What Are Some of the Most Popular Programming Languages for 2023?

Rapidops, Inc.
7 min readApr 4, 2023


Staying relevant requires staying updated with the latest industry and market trends. This also allows us at Rapidops to provide the right digital solution to our varied clientele.

With the business world trying to find the right balance to stay upbeat and fresh for its client base, digital consultants must do the same.

We love making digital solutions that solve critical operational issues while creating the path of scalability for businesses from various industry verticals.

This article will share our take on programming languages, what purpose they serve, and why we chose them for developing digital solutions.

Which programming languages are in demand right now?

There are many different programming languages, each with its features and capabilities.

Statisticsanddata.org has been tracking and surveying various programming languages and has created an updated list of the most favoured and loved programming languages based on multiple parameters. You can read the complete list here.

This section was curated after interviews with our engineering team members and mentors. So, let’s check out some of the most popular programming languages for 2023, including:

1. Python

About Python

Python is a widely-used programming language. It has been around for almost three decades and is considered an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language.

Some of its unique features include:

  • A dynamic type system
  • An automatic memory management
  • Support for multiple programming paradigms
  • Structured (mainly procedural), object-oriented, and functional programming

2. JavaScript

About Javascript

Released in 1995, JavaScript is most commonly used for web development and can be used on a website's front-end and back-end. It is a popular choice for web developers because it enables them to create dynamically changing website content.

It is most commonly used with HTML and CSS to create responsive web pages. However, over 80% of all websites use JavaScript in some form.

The most prominent features of JavaScript are:

  • Can be used to create various applications
  • Can be used for versatile purposes, from simple scripts to complex applications
  • Extremely easy to learn and use
  • Provides greater control of the browser
  • Has a well-organized codebase

3. Typescript

About Typescript

TypeScript is a programming language that allows developers to write code in a TypeScript file and then have that code automatically compiled into JavaScript.

  • Superset of JavaScript
  • Automatically provides code validity
  • Type checking catches errors even before code execution
  • Ease of use
  • Complete rewriting of the existing codebase is not required
  • Adds additional features on top of JavaScript
  • Development is more manageable and efficient

4. Go

About Go

Go is a programming language created by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google in 2009 and created at Google. It is used in many places, including video streaming, microservices, and large-scale data processing.

  • Compiled, statically typed language in the tradition of C
  • Has garbage collection
  • Limited structural typing
  • Memory safety features
  • CSP-style concurrent programming
  • Syntactically similar to C
  • Enables AI and data science processes

5. Java

About Java

Java is a programming language that developers use to create applications and systems. It is one of the most popular programming languages globally and is known for its simplicity, reliability, and portability.

Java is used in various industries, including web development, scientific computing, and financial services.

It is a versatile language that can create a wide variety of applications

  • Platform independence
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Enhanced productivity, performance, and security

6. Swift

About Swift

Swift is a powerful programming language created by Apple Inc. It was released to the public in 2014 and has grown in popularity. Swift is a powerful and fast programming language that makes developing Apple products more enjoyable.

  • Simplicity and readability
  • Easy to learn
  • Has a large community of passionate developers
  • Good choice for experienced developers who want to build iOS or macOS apps
  • Powerful and intuitive programming language
  • Writing code is interactive and fun
  • Concise yet expressive syntax
  • Produces software that runs lightning-fast

7. Kotlin

About Kotlin

Kotlin is a programming language created by JetBrains. It’s a statically typed language that targets JVM, Android, JavaScript, and Native. It is a cross-platform programming language that can run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and be compiled into JavaScript or native code.

Kotlin is fully compatible with Java, so that you can use all existing Java libraries in your Kotlin projects. You can also call Kotlin code from Java.

  • Concise, safe, interoperable
  • Tool-friendly programming language
  • Combines object-oriented and functional programming features
  • Focused on interoperability, safety, and code swiftness
  • 100% compatible with Java
  • It can run on any Java virtual machine

8. C#

About C#

C# is a programming language that enables developers to create various applications on the .NET Framework. C# is a powerful, object-oriented programming language gaining popularity.

  • Easy-to-use yet powerful
  • Versatile
  • Fully integrated with .NET libraries
  • Simple to learn and understand

9. Rust

About Rust

Rust is a programming language that has recently gained popularity, focusing on safety and security. It is also known for its performance, making it a good choice for resource-intensive applications. Rust is used by major companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon.

While it is not yet as widely adopted as some other languages, its popularity is growing, and it is likely to be one of the most popular programming languages in 2022.

Multiple concurrent Rust toolchains can be installed and managed via Rustup.

  • More significant than a language specification and a compiler
  • Has a large number of development tools
  • Safe memory space allocation
  • Threads without data races
  • Zero cost abstraction

10. Scala

About Scala

With the rise of big data and the need for more complex data processing, Scala has become a go-to programming language for many developers. Scala stands for Scalable Language.

It is a multi-paradigm programming language representing functional programming and object-oriented programming. It is a statically typed language whose source code is compiled into bytecode and executed by Java virtual machine(JVM).

It combines both object-oriented programming and functional programming. Variables in Scala must be declared before being used, making code more difficult to write but easier to debug and refactor.

  • Excellent choice for scalable projects
  • Efficient programming model
  • Concise and easy-to-read codes
  • Easy to learn and execute quickly

11. R

About R

R programming language is a free software environment with statistical computing and graphics. It is popular among statisticians and data miners for its flexibility and power.

The language is gaining immense popularity among developers of web applications and machine learning algorithms.

  • Strong graphical capabilities
  • Wide selection of packages
  • Complex statistical calculations supported
  • Distributed computing with multiple libraries and tools
  • Sophisticated application development
  • Can run code without a compiler

12. C

About C

C programming language is powerful and enables developers to create sophisticated software systems. As a result, it is one of the most popular programming languages in many industries, including finance, healthcare, and manufacturing.

C programming language has rich features suitable for developing complex software systems.

  • Simple and efficient
  • Fast code execution
  • Better code portability
  • Function-rich libraries
  • Dynamic memory management
  • Modularity with the structured language

13. C++

About C++

C/C++ has been around for quite some time and remains one of today’s most popular programming languages. C/C++ is fast, efficient, and can be used to create high-performance applications.

  • Efficient and flexible
  • Assists large-scale application development
  • Has dynamic memory allocation
  • A popular choice for object-oriented system programming
  • Preferred for faster development of complex applications

14. Dart

About Dart

Dart programming language is one of the latest programming languages being used today. It is a general-purpose programming language that can develop various applications.

  • Easy to learn and use
  • Offers various benefits for developers
  • Can be used for both server-side and client-side development

Concluding thoughts: Know the technologies, research about them, and only then decide to include them in your tech stack

Staying updated with technologies is crucial for a business’s scalability and success. It allows companies to be agile and adapt to the ever-changing business landscape.

It can take time to track the popularity of various programming languages. Yet, this article will give you a specific idea about including the correct programming language in your technology stack.

This article was initially published at https://bit.ly/3V3a4J0



Rapidops, Inc.

Rapidops is a product design, development & analytics consultancy. Follow us for insights on web, mobile, data, cloud, IoT. Website: https://www.rapidops.com/