A CEO’s Guide: How to Build a Minimum Viable Product

Rapidops, Inc.
13 min readAug 14, 2023


Speed to market is key in the fast-paced world of technology and startups. An idea in your head becomes valuable once it’s in the hands of users, and a crucial way of achieving this is through developing a Minimum Viable Product or MVP. From a CEO’s perspective, understanding and implementing the concept of an MVP is crucial.

It enables you to test your business hypothesis and provides valuable feedback from real users, driving your product development to meet their needs and expectations.

This guide will take you through the complete process of building an MVP, the CEO’s role in this journey, overcoming challenges, and maximizing the return on investment. Let’s begin this insightful journey that can shape the future of your business.

What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

An MVP is the most pared-down product version that can still be released. Eric Ries, the author of The Lean Startup, defined an MVP as “that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.” It’s about building a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future product development.

One illustrative example of an MVP in action is Airbnb. The global home-sharing platform started with a limited range of listings and features it has today. Initially, the founders, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, put up their loft for rent to cater to local conference attendees, providing air mattresses and homemade breakfast.

Their website was extremely basic, but it served its purpose — to validate whether people were open to renting space in a stranger’s home. The initial success and feedback they received from these first few renters guided the future development of a multi-billion dollar platform.

An MVP has three essential elements:

  1. it has enough value that people are willing to use it or buy it initially
  2. it demonstrates enough future benefits to retain early adopters
  3. it provides a feedback loop to guide future development

In the upcoming sections, we will delve deeper into the CEO’s role in MVP development, the step-by-step guide to building an MVP, strategies for creating a successful MVP, and how to overcome challenges in MVP development.

The CEO’s role in MVP development

As a CEO, your role in developing an MVP is pivotal. The success of an MVP, and ultimately your product, largely depends on your vision, leadership, and ability to allocate resources efficiently.

An MVP isn’t just about developing a stripped-down product version; it’s about identifying your product’s core value proposition to its users. As a CEO, you must guide your team to focus on that essential functionality that solves a problem for the user or fulfills their need.

For instance, in Airbnb’s case, the core value proposition was providing a platform where people could find affordable accommodations in a local’s home, an alternative to hotels.

You play a crucial role in resource allocation in MVP development

Building an MVP is not about creating a perfect product but finding a balance between what’s feasible to build with the available resources and what will provide value to the user. It’s about making strategic decisions on where to invest time and money.

Effective communication is another crucial aspect of your role

The MVP vision should be communicated across your team to ensure everyone is working towards the same goal. Ineffective communication can lead to wasted resources and a final product that aligns differently from your original vision.

Fostering an environment that embraces feedback and iterative development

Remember, an MVP is just the beginning — it’s expected to change and evolve based on user feedback and new learnings.

Step-by-step guide: Building an MVP

Now that we’ve established the key role of a CEO in MVP development, let’s walk through a step-by-step guide on how to build an MVP.

Step 1: Validating Your Idea

The first step towards building an MVP starts with validating your idea. This process involves confirming whether your product or service idea solves a real problem that potential customers are experiencing. One approach is conducting surveys or interviews with people within your target market. For example, if you plan to launch a new fitness app, you could start by interviewing fitness enthusiasts or people interested in adopting a healthier lifestyle to understand their challenges and if your proposed solution would benefit them.

Step 2: Market Research

Once your idea is validated, the next step is conducting thorough market research. It includes studying your competitors, understanding the market trends, and analyzing the strategies that work in your target market. For instance, using our fitness app example, you would look at other fitness apps available, their features, pricing model, and user reviews to understand what they’re doing well and where the gaps are.

Step 3: Defining User Flow

The third step involves defining the user flow — how a user would navigate your product from start to finish. The goal is to ensure the user can achieve their desired task with as few steps as possible. Continuing with the fitness app, the user flow might start with the user opening the app, selecting a workout, completing the workout, logging their progress, and closing the app.

Step 4: Building the MVP

Now it’s time to build the MVP. At this stage, remember the goal is to build a product with only some of the features you envisage for the final product. The aim is to build a product with just enough features to satisfy early users and provide a feedback loop for future development.

In the case of the fitness app, the MVP includes a selection of basic workouts without any additional features like a diet tracker or social networking capabilities that you plan to add in the future.

Step 5: Launch and learn

The final step is to launch your MVP and start collecting feedback. This stage will provide valuable insights into what works, what doesn’t, and what needs improvement or improvement.

It’s also an opportunity to gauge the market response to your product. For the fitness app, this could involve tracking the most popular workouts and user engagement levels and gathering user feedback on their experience.

Building an MVP is an iterative process — you build, measure, learn, and then loop back. Your MVP will evolve based on feedback and new learnings.

How to build an MVP without any coding knowledge

Even if you lack coding knowledge, you can still successfully build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to validate your business idea.

An MVP is a simplified version of your product that incorporates just enough features to attract early adopters and gather actionable feedback for further development.

Today’s no-code platforms empower non-technical entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into viable products.

Selecting the right no-code platform or development team will largely depend on your budget, timeline, and specific requirements.

Top no-code tools for MVP development in 2023

Harnessing the power of no-code tools is an efficient, cost-effective, and versatile approach for building an MVP from scratch. Below are some of the most popular no-code tools to transform your business concept into a reality.

Building a Robust Backend

Google Sheets

Kickstart your MVP data-set building with this free and convenient tool. Google Sheets, the inception point for platforms like Nomadlist, can be the backbone for storing and creating your MVP database, making it an excellent choice for budget-conscious startups and digital agencies.

  • Pros: Effective data management and seamless integration with Zapier.
  • Cons: Limited functionality with large data sets, offline access not available.
  • Pricing: Free
  • Best for: Individuals, bootstrapped startups.


If your project needs a more advanced database creation tool, Airtable is the way to go. It provides a quick setup for various database types and integrates effortlessly with tools like Google Sheets, Typeform, and Slack.

  • Pros: Integration with many apps, various templates, and automation functionalities.
  • Cons: User interface might be complicated for non-tech users and may not suit applications with massive datasets and complex workflows.
  • Pricing: Starts at $10/seat/month
  • Best for: Funded startups, agencies.

Crafting a User-Friendly Frontend


For those who wish to build a visually appealing and SEO-friendly website without coding, Webflow is a go-to option. The platform offers a range of plans to suit different needs.

  • Pros: Supports collaborative development, enables rapid website creation, and integrates with tools like Zapier and Shopify.
  • Cons: Limited to no-code level, has a learning curve, customization options might be limited compared to custom-coded websites.
  • Pricing: $14–39/month
  • Best for: SMBs, digital agencies, and enterprises.


Bubble is a comprehensive solution for your web and mobile app development. This tool enables you to craft and present your MVP to potential investors and customers.

  • Pros: Extensive built-in features and plugins for scalable applications support responsive design.
  • Cons: Perceived lack of aesthetic quality in apps, no native app export feature for Android and iOS.
  • Pricing: $29–349/month
  • Best for: Funded startups, SMBs, and enterprises.

Integrating Forms and APIs


To streamline and automate tasks in your no-code MVP development, Zapier is a perfect tool. It simplifies app APIs, enabling swift and cost-efficient MVP delivery.

  • Pros: Massive library of integrations, automates routine tasks to save time, offers diverse possibilities for automation and scalability.
  • Cons: Specific workflows might require an in-depth understanding of Zapier, limited customization within each integration, and potential data transfer security issues.
  • Pricing: $19.99 — $799/month
  • Best for: Individuals, SMBs, agencies and startups, and enterprises.


Coupler.io eliminates the need for manual data transfer between apps, making it a robust tool for managing and scheduling data exports.

  • Pros: Powerful data analytics features and integration with popular tools like Asana, Google Sheets, Adobe Commerce, WooCommerce, and Shopify.
  • Cons: Steep learning curve; costs may rise with scaling or frequent data imports.
  • Pricing: $49 — $249/month
  • Best for: SMBs, funded startups, and enterprises.

Pay close attention to the platform’s features, ease of use, customer support, and pricing structure. Moreover, ascertain whether the team or platform you’re considering has the requisite expertise to help you bring your MVP to fruition.

Building an MVP without coding knowledge offers several advantages, such as getting a product to market quickly and cost-effectively.

However, creating a complex product without coding skills might be challenging. Thus, your decision to build an MVP without coding knowledge should align with your needs and circumstances.

Why Choose No-Code MVP Development?

First, let’s define a no-code MVP. It’s a prototype of your product developed using tools that don’t require software development or coding skills.

Here’s why you should consider building a no-code MVP:

Simplified Process

No-code tools offer easy-to-use, drag-and-drop functionalities, minimizing technical complexities.


Building a no-code MVP allows you to focus on the key features necessary for initial validation, reducing costs.


A no-code MVP lets you gather valuable feedback from early adopters or potential customers.

Risk Mitigation

With a no-code MVP, you’re not investing in a full-fledged product before validating it in the market, minimizing risk.


A no-code MVP accelerates your time-to-market, giving you a competitive edge.


No-code MVPs allow for easy pivoting or strategic changes based on market feedback, aligning your product with market demands and increasing your likelihood of success.

Attracting Investments

A well-constructed no-code MVP can showcase your product’s potential to investors, facilitating fund-raising for further development.

A step-by-step guide to building an MVP without any coding knowledge

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating an MVP from scratch, even if you have no prior coding experience.

1. Understand Your Target Audience

Determine who your product is intended for and what issues it aims to address. Ask the following:

  • What are the primary problems you have identified?
  • What existing solutions are available in the market?
  • Who are the target personas for your MVP?
  • What are their current challenges, preferences, and dislikes?

2. Conduct a Competitive Analysis

Identify your competitors and the products or services they offer. Document how your product will differentiate itself from those already existing in the market.

3. Select a No-Code Platform

Numerous no-code platforms are available, each offering unique features. When selecting which one to opt for, consider functionality, ease of use, customer support, and cost.

4. Define Your MVP Features

Next, outline the essential features your product will include. Also, create a simple user flow, concentrating on the core features that will provide user feedback.

5. Design Your MVP

With the platform chosen and features defined, commence designing your MVP. This step involves shaping the user interface and deciding the overall aesthetic of your product.

6. Construct Your MVP

Using the design as a blueprint, start building your MVP. Most no-code platforms make this process simple through a drag-and-drop interface.

7. Set Success Metrics

Establish the benchmarks that will signify your MVP’s success:

  • What’s the target number of downloads?
  • What level of user engagement do you anticipate?
  • How many satisfied users will constitute a successful test launch?
  • What sort of positive feedback will prompt further development?

8. Test Your MVP

After building, it’s time to test your MVP with actual users. Their feedback will help you identify and rectify bugs, usability issues, or improvement areas.

9. Iterate Your MVP

Based on user feedback, refine your MVP. This refinement may include adjusting features, the user interface, or the overall product design.

10. Develop a Product Roadmap

Outline your product’s projected evolution and growth. Highlight the key value propositions and the most robust features.

11. Launch Your MVP

When satisfied with your refined MVP, release it to the public. This step allows for accumulating further data and more comprehensive user feedback.

Strategies for creating a successful MVP

Now that you know how to build an MVP, let’s explore some strategies to increase your success chances.

1. Importance of a Lean approach

When developing an MVP, it’s essential to adopt a lean approach. This means eliminating waste in the development process and focusing on building a product that delivers the most value to the customer with the least effort. Your MVP should solve a problem or meet your customer’s needs in the most straightforward way possible.

2. Gathering and incorporating feedback

An MVP is a tool for learning more about your customers and their needs. This learning primarily comes from user feedback. By actively gathering and incorporating user feedback, you can ensure that your MVP evolves in a direction that aligns with the needs and wants of your users.

3. Iterating for market fit

An MVP is not a one-and-done product. It’s a starting point. Once your MVP is out in the market, the next step is continually iterating based on feedback and performance data until you find the best market fit.

Overcoming challenges in MVP development

Every entrepreneurial journey comes with unique challenges; building an MVP is no exception. However, being prepared and proactive can help you navigate these challenges effectively.

1. Identifying potential obstacles in the development process

One of the first challenges that you may face is identifying potential obstacles in the development process. These obstacles could range from technical issues, such as finding the right technology stack, to management issues, such as coordinating your team’s efforts.

A solution to this could be hiring an experienced project manager or using project management tools to keep your project on track.

2. Strategies and solutions to overcome these challenges

Adopting an agile development methodology can help you deal with changes and uncertainties often arising during MVP development. Agile methods focus on iterative development and encourage flexible responses to change.

It’s also essential to keep the lines of communication open with your team. Regular updates and meetings ensure everyone is aligned with the vision and progress of the MVP development.

Maximizing ROI with a carefully planned MVP

With careful planning and execution, an MVP can validate your product and set you on a path to greater profitability.

1. Aligning the MVP with business goals

The MVP should align with your business goals. By focusing on the core features that provide the most value to the users, you can avoid spending time and resources on developing features that do not contribute to your bottom line.

2. Importance of continuous improvement

Continuous improvement is key to maximizing ROI. With each iteration of your MVP, you learn more about your users and their needs, allowing you to refine your product to serve them better.

3. Measuring success

It’s essential to have clear metrics for success to evaluate your MVP’s performance. These could be quantitative, like the number of sign-ups or app downloads, or qualitative, like user feedback and reviews.

Case study: Successful MVP development

Let’s look at a real-life example to understand how the MVP concept has been successfully applied. Airbnb is one such success story.

The initial concept was quite simple: the founders, struggling to pay their rent, decided to rent air mattresses in their living room to attendees of a large local conference.

They created a basic website, airbedandbreakfast.com, offering a place to sleep and breakfast in the morning.

The founders quickly realized they had a potential business idea on their hands. They continued to refine the concept, eventually expanding to include private rooms and entire properties, and dropped the breakfast offering.

Today, Airbnb has revolutionized the hospitality industry and is worth billions of dollars.

This example demonstrates how a basic MVP, when executed correctly, can serve as a launchpad for a successful, scalable product.

Your MVP dream, our expertise: Partner with us today!

Discover the limitless possibilities for your brand with Rapidops as your strategic partner. From concept to execution, we’ll work hand in hand to create a cutting-edge MVP that resonates with your target audience and drives success.

With our expertise and unwavering commitment, your brand will be poised to make a lasting impact in the market. Embrace the future of innovation and growth with Rapidops by your side. Contact us today to embark on this exciting journey together.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here, we’ll answer some common questions about MVPs:

Q1. Why build a minimum viable product?

Building an MVP allows you to test your product concept in the real market with real users before investing heavily in full product development. This helps mitigate risks and provides valuable user feedback that can be used to improve the product.

Q2. What is an example of a minimum viable product strategy?

An example of an MVP strategy is Facebook’s initial launch. Facebook started as a simple social network for Harvard students. Once its concept was validated and gained popularity, it expanded to other colleges and, eventually, to the general public.

Q3. What is a minimum viable product?

A minimum viable product (MVP) is a version of a product with just enough features to be used by early customers, who can then provide feedback for future product development.

Q4. What is minimum viable product success?

MVP success is when your MVP resonates with your target audience, validates your product idea, and sets the foundation for your full-fledged product.

Q5. What does creating a minimum viable product allow the company to do?

Creating an MVP allows a company to test a product hypothesis with minimal resources, accelerate learning, reduce wasted engineering hours, and gain valuable customer feedback.



Rapidops, Inc.

Rapidops is a product design, development & analytics consultancy. Follow us for insights on web, mobile, data, cloud, IoT. Website: https://www.rapidops.com/